probably.pgcl.substitute Internals

class probably.pgcl.substitute._Binder(*, deepcopy)[source]

All substitutions (the values in the subst dict) are assigned a numeric identifier. The binder manages those.


deepcopy (bool) –


Add the given expression to the binder, return a new _BoundExpr that points to the expression in the binder.


expr (Union[VarExpr, BoolLitExpr, NatLitExpr, RealLitExpr, UnopExpr, BinopExpr, CategoricalExpr, SubstExpr, TickExpr, DUniformExpr, CUniformExpr, BernoulliExpr, GeometricExpr, PoissonExpr, LogDistExpr, BinomialExpr, IidSampleExpr]) –

Return type:



In the internal list of bound expressions, replace all _BoundExpr by the the bound expressions.

Cycles are handled using a two-step procedure (see module docs).


Given a _BoundExpr, return the associated expression.

_Deepcopies_ the expression if deepcopy is set to True.


bound (_BoundExpr) –

Return type:

Union[VarExpr, BoolLitExpr, NatLitExpr, RealLitExpr, UnopExpr, BinopExpr, CategoricalExpr, SubstExpr, TickExpr, DUniformExpr, CUniformExpr, BernoulliExpr, GeometricExpr, PoissonExpr, LogDistExpr, BinomialExpr, IidSampleExpr]

class probably.pgcl.substitute._Subst(*, subst=None, symbolic)[source]

Data structure for current substitutions to be applied.

  • It holds a mapping for the substitutions itself (Var/BoundExpr to BoundExpr),

  • and the set of symbolic variables that cannot be substituted (see section Symbolic variables for more information).

add_bound(binder, var, expr)[source]

Bind the expression using binder, then add a new substitution that replaces var by the newly created bound expression.


Apply the substitutions to the given variable expression. Symbolic variables are replaced by new substitution expressions.


var_expr (VarExpr) –

Return type:

Union[VarExpr, BoolLitExpr, NatLitExpr, RealLitExpr, UnopExpr, BinopExpr, CategoricalExpr, SubstExpr, TickExpr, DUniformExpr, CUniformExpr, BernoulliExpr, GeometricExpr, PoissonExpr, LogDistExpr, BinomialExpr, IidSampleExpr]


Make a new copy of this substitution dictionary, for use in branching expressions.

Return type:


probably.pgcl.substitute._bind_substs(binder, subst, expr_ref)[source]

Walk the expr_ref and replace all right-hand sides of each SubstExpr by a locally bound _BoundExpr.

This test asserts the order in which substitutions are applied: First inner ones, then outer.

>>> binder = _Binder(deepcopy=False)
>>> subst = _Subst(symbolic=set())
>>> expr = SubstExpr({'x': VarExpr('x1')}, SubstExpr({'x': VarExpr('x2')}, VarExpr('x')))
>>> expr_ref = Mut.alloc(expr)
>>> _bind_substs(binder, subst, expr_ref)
>>> str(expr_ref.val)
>>> binder.lookup(expr_ref.val)