Source code for probably.pgcl.ast.types

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Optional, Union

import attr

from .ast import Node
from .expressions import Expr

[docs] @attr.s class Bounds: """ Bounds for a natural number type. The bounds can contain constant expressions, therefore bounds have type :class:`Expr`. """ lower: Expr = attr.ib() upper: Expr = attr.ib() def __str__(self) -> str: return f"[{self.lower}, {self.upper}]"
[docs] @attr.s class TypeClass(Node): """Superclass for all types. See :obj:`Type`."""
[docs] @attr.s class BoolType(TypeClass): """Boolean type."""
[docs] @attr.s class NatType(TypeClass): """ Natural number types with optional bounds. Bounds are only preserved for variables. Values of bounded types are considered as unbounded until they are assigned to a bounded variable. That is to say, bounds are lost in expressions such as in the example below: .. doctest:: >>> from probably.pgcl.parser import parse_pgcl, parse_expr >>> from probably.pgcl.check import get_type >>> program = parse_pgcl("nat x [1,5]") >>> get_type(program, parse_expr("x + 5")) NatType(bounds=None) """ bounds: Optional[Bounds] = attr.ib()
[docs] @attr.s class RealType(TypeClass): """Real numbers, used for probabilities."""
Type = Union[BoolType, NatType, RealType] """Union type for all type objects. See :class:`TypeClass` for use with isinstance."""